How Long Until Termites Cause Damage?

Living in the United States, there’s a good chance that your home is either fully or partially constructed with wood. If so, you have one major risk just waiting around the corner – termites. Known for their incredible capability to chew through wood, these pests also will make their way into poorly maintained plants, or even filters and liners of swimming pools! Getting a proper termite inspection is essential, regardless of whether you are just moving into a new home or running regular maintenance on your own home since there’s one universal truth around the pest – termites cause damage. The type of termite you encounter decides how fast damages will occur.

Different Types of Termites:

Although they’re found in different states, chances are if you encounter termites they’ll either be subterranean termites or drywood termites. If you take a look at the damages caused by each, you may be surprised to learn drywood termites create less severe damages than subterranean termites. This is because drywood termites work in smaller colonies and are often easier to spot, while subterranean termites work in large numbers but leave little to no signs of their presence. 

How Long Does Damage Take?

Larger colonies of termites are harder to place a time limit on. That said, a study according to the NC State Extension shows that a colony of 60,000 termites are capable of eating a 2×4 piece of wood in only five months! In a single day, subterranean termites can eat up to a pound of wood – this is why it’s of the utmost importance to get an inspection done at the first sign of termites, as the growing colony may have been causing massive damage as far back as three to eight years ago!

Things To Watch For:

Although the type of termite will affect your plans for dealing with them, here are a few things you can keep your eyes out for if you fear you may be dealing with termites:

  • Listen after tapping on wooden areas of your home – hollow sounds are indicators of termites.
  • Look for peeling paint around your home.
  • Look for signs of moisture on surfaces that shouldn’t be accumulating any moisture.
  • Spot signs of decaying wood early.
  • Check your walls for holes. Even small cracks can be enough for termites to make their way in!

The best way to stop termites is to get an annual inspection so professionals can spot any early signs of termites before things get out of control. Arizona Organic Pest & Termite Control would love to help you secure your home, and we’ll do a full inspection before coming up with a custom pest control plan just for your needs. Give us a call today or fill out our contact form to get started!