Termites are a special type of pest that requires specialized skills and is a job for professionals to tackle. Construction knowledge is essential for identifying where termites will enter from – many entrance sites are hard to access, or are even hidden. If you feel like you have signs of an infestation, you need to call and get an inspection immediately.
Termite control uses specialized equipment such as masonry drills, pumps, large-capacity tanks, and soil treatment rods. Your typical treatment may involve using termiticide, a liquid pesticide, and injecting it into the ground alongside your foundation, under slabs, and even within the walls. Sometimes a treatment uses hundreds of gallons, but it’s the only way to ensure getting rid of these pests.
Choosing A Professional Matters Most
Many do-it-yourself kits may slow down, but never stop, a termite infestation. Use of insecticides and treated wood will help protect from termites and wood decay, although over time even this will be subject to a termite attack. If you’re a homeowner looking for prevention tips, you can try:
Remove Termite Food Sources:
- Regularly inspect cracks in concrete for signs of termites.
- Check any wooden decks or fencing for deterioration regularly.
- Keep all wooden parts of the foundation elevated at least 6 inches over soil, although 18 inches is ideal. Concrete and steel supports can be used.
- Use crushed stones or pea gravel rather than mulch, which is a large attractor for termites. If mulch is used, avoid contact against any siding, frames, or windows.
- Keep any vines, plants, trellises installed away from your house. Keep flower planters away from the home exterior as well.
- Remove any debris, trees, and dead branches from around your home.
Eliminate Sources of Moisture:
- Don’t leave leaking faucets, pipes, or air conditioning units untreated.
- Grade the ground around the foundation so water can drain away from your home.
- Pay attention to your foundation and divert any water away from gutters and downspouts.
- Be sure any basements or crawl spaces are cleared and have proper ventilation.
- Seal entry points around any utility lines or pipes.
Should I Do Anything If I Don’t Have Termites?
Be sure to determine if you have any termite warranties from previous treatments. Then remove any conducive conditions such as:
- All wood-to-soil contacts, including wood piles, wood sidings, support beams, and other wooden structures.
- Mulch and plant products from the foundation or exterior walls.
- Ensure your foundation is visible and exposed.
- Resolve moisture from around the home or crawlspace.
- Repair damaged wooden structures.
- Inspect any problematic areas regularly – looking for mud tubes, swarms, or damaged wood. Free inspections are easily available and will get you a professional opinion more experienced with these pests.
What If I Find Termites?
The first step is to stay calm. While it is worrying to find, they aren’t an immediate threat. Termites do not bite humans, and do not transfer disease as other pests would. What you should do is get an immediate quote and hire a termite control professional.
Getting A Second Opinion Never Hurts
Arizona Organic Pest & Termite Control is here to help keep you and your home secure.